Replacement Parts
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*If your Part Number is in red, it is obsolete. Please see the accompanying link to the current replacement part for your unit.

SANITRON® ultraviolet water purifiers utilize germicidal ultraviolet lamps that produce short wave radiation lethal to bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms present in water. Replacement parts for the Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation® SANITRON® line of UV water purifiers are as follows:

S14 | S14A | S17 | S17A | S23 | S23A | S37 | S37A | S37B | S37C | S50 | S50B | S50C | S2400 | S2400B | S2400C | S5,000C | S10,000C | S15,000C | S20,000C | S25,000C 

Having trouble - call us directly at 1-631-273-0500, Mon. - Fri. 7am-6pm EST or email us at

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